Admin Training

Setting Up

Within this training module, you will learn about:

  • Login
  • The Dashboard
  • User Management/School Roll
  • User Management - Loading Learners
  • User Management - Loading Learners
  • User Management - Assigning Teachers


Welcome to the Engagement Sliders app.

To access Sliders go to https://my.sliders.app

You will be prompted to log in.

If you have multiple engagement accounts you will be able to select the relevant account.

The Dashboard

The dashboard has two main navigation areas:

Menu bar at the top of the screen.

  • Questionnaires allows you to create a survey and to view all the surveys you have previously created.
  • Groups allows you to create groups and view all the groups you have previously created.

Side menu on the left hand side of the screen.

  • Filters - The ability to filter survey results by chosen dates, groups, subjects and demographics.
  • Responders - The ability to see who has responded to a survey.

User Management/School Roll

Upon signing up to Sliders it is recommended that you assign a member of staff as Admin.

The role of Admin is to:

  • Ensure that the School roll/CSV is loaded at the start of each year or when there is a need to add new learners.
  • Invite teachers to access the Engagement Sliders app.
  • Your initial CSV upload of students will become your master CSV, which you use to make changes to students on the Engagement Sliders app.
  • You can download your CSV straight from your SMS or create your own in sheets or excel with the following columns:
  • Your column choices are Email, Year Level of student, Ethnicity, ESOL Y/N) and Gender.
  • To add new students to the Engagement Sliders app, you will add their information to the master CSV, and re-upload the whole document. This will add any new students on the list.
  • To remove students from the Engagement Sliders app, you will remove their name from the master CSV and upload the whole document again. This will remove any deleted students.

User Management - Loading Learners

To add the school roll/CSV to sliders select the Login icon on the top menu.

  • Select User Management.
  • Click Learners on the left
  • Select the Yellow + icon at the bottom right of the screen.
  • Select Upload CSV.
  • Choose or drag and drop the CSV file for your school.
  • Map columns.
  • Review any changes and accept.

User Management - Loading Learners

If you have changes to the school roll from either the addition of new learners, or updated information for an existing learner, you will need to reload the CSV into the Engagement Sliders app. 

In the case of updating information for a learner whose information is already in the Engagement Sliders app, you will need to re-map and update. 

Any change made to information will appear beside the users name.


1. The CSV columns are optional and can reflect the data you wish to track. You must have email but can add any other demographics that you wish to filter learner responses on.

2. If you did not download your CSV from your SMS and have created a spreadsheet remember to download it as CSV.

User Management - Assigning Teachers

To add a teacher select the Login icon on the top menu.

  • Select User Management.
  • Select the Yellow + icon at the bottom right of the screen.
  • Select Add Teacher.
  • Add teacher email address.

Tip - You can double check a teacher has been added by using the search function.

Transform teaching with

Engagement Sliders