Embedding Engagement Sliders into your practice

These tips will help you consider the purpose of your questionnaire, the when and why you have created it, and how you might use the responses to support improving your delivery and lesson content.

Within this training module, you will learn about:

  • Using Sliders with a unit plan
  • Quick response questionnaires
  • Tracking your target learnings
  • Workshop or Presenting? Preparing your Sliders Questionnaire in advance to help aid future delivery
  • Responder Notes - Show Comments toggle
  • Sharing questionnaires

Using Sliders with a unit plan

Sliders can be used to capture how engagement and challenge changes or develops over the course of a unit of learning. 

  1. Review your unit plan and identify check points over the total period of learning. For example it may be  week 1 at the beginning of the unit after an initial introduction or test, in week 5 the middle after some teaching has occurred and then again in week 10/ the end  when the unit has been completed.
  2. Timetable an extra 5 to 10 minutes when you plan a lesson to ensure you can send out a questionnaire and the learners will have time to repond.
  3. Use the filter function to look at target groups and their responses
  4. Use the engagement over time to see how individual users are responding 

Consider: Linking to progressions

These touch points could be linked to a particular progression or focus from the unit. Capturing user voice in this way will give you some insight into how the learners are feeling and give you opportunity to adjust teaching to suit learner needs.

Consider: It as a tool to get to know your learners

During the ‘getting to know each other’ phase at the beginning of the year, plan to use Engagement Sliders to learn about how the learners in your class prefer to learn, what styles of teaching/ activities they respond well to. 

Quick response questionnaires

We have all been there when we are delivering a lesson (or Professional Learning) and can see that the participants in front of us are not engaged. This is an ideal time to create a quick questionnaire and send it out mid lesson to capture real time user voice.

  1. Plan for it by having a quick fire template or format that you use to create a questionnaire. 
  2. Ensure that you review the responses on the spot so that you can make some adjustments to the lesson to address any issues.
  3. Also review responses outside of this lesson so you can reflect on future PD and if the approach taken needs to be changed for other delivery.
  4. Adapt future lessons based on the feedback you have received.

Tracking your target learnings

Build on Tip #1 and #2 by tracking engagement over time for disengaged, or unchallenged learners. From the dashboard, use the Filter function, amend the date range, subject and focus tags to track a particular learner's engagement over time. From here select an individual learner and click Analyse to see responses from that learner tracked over the selected time period.

Workshop or Presenting? Preparing your Sliders Questionnaire in advance to help aid future delivery

Engagement Sliders is a fast and efficient way of capturing the voice of participants hearing your presentation/taking part in the professional development you are delivering. 

  1. Create a format/ template to use to direct responses.
  2. Consider how to use the description to get the best feedback (consider how targeted you want the response to be, any additional information you wish them to share via notes).
  3. Decide when you want to gather feedback. Is it at a specific  point of Professional Development? Perhaps after a specific activity you are trying out? Or is it at the end of the session to get feedback on if the professional development hit the mark?
  4. Add sliders to your PD presentations.
  5. Schedule in time to review  and reflect on responses and to make any necessary amendments to future PD with this group or with this topic.

Responder Notes - Show Comments toggle

When viewing the results of a questionnaire a user will now see that under Responder Notes there is the option to use a slider to Show Comments from the responders.  

Comments are now visible only by choice and not by default. This is particularly useful if a user wishes to share data back live with participants e.g. on a shared screen, and would prefer to withhold user names and comments for privacy.  

When viewing results you will see a small orange dot next to the words Show Comments. Simply slide the slider to reveal the hidden comments from responders.

Sharing questionnaires

Teachers can share questionnaires. Now users who share the same learners or participants, can make and share a questionnaire with others. Once a questionnaire is shared, all users who have access to that questionnaire can edit, view and use filter functionality as normal. 

Simply use the Add Collaborators drop down to select a teacher you wish to share a questionnaire with.

When a questionnaire is shared with you it will appear in the left menu under "Shared With Me."

Transform teaching with

Engagement Sliders