Starting Out

A series of tips to help get you started.

Within this training module, you will learn about:

  • Introducing Engagement Sliders to your Staff
  • Share and reflect on the learning journey
  • Sliders modules
  • CSV, demographics and new users

Introducing Engagement Sliders to your Staff

A great way to introduce Engagement Sliders is to begin with an overview or the why?

We recommend sharing this short video introduction with staff during a staff meeting.

You may also wish to have a team member demonstrate how to create a survey live to staff and then share that link with staff so they can get a feel for what the learner sees when completing the survey. 

Share and reflect on the learning journey

Set up space and time where teachers can share their progress with Engagement Sliders. Encourage teachers to share back how they are using sliders in their classroom and any insights they have of how to use it to inform planning and aid student engagement.

Remember: Enjoyment + Challenge = Engagement

Sliders modules

Encourage staff to review the  Sliders Modules . 

These are available in the help section of the app and via Resources on the Engagement Sliders website.

  • An admin module that shows you how to set up your learners and staff.
  • Two teacher modules that teach your staff how to set up/send out questionnaires, and how to read and use the data.
  • A learner module to share with your students that allows them to understand what they are being asked to do and why.
  • User guides for all the modules 

CSV, demographics and new users

The Admin Module covers how to load the CSV for your school into the sliders app. As a new subscriber you would have followed this process in order to load learners and assign teachers.

From this point onwards,  a learner that is new to the school  and is not on the CSV, can still receive a survey and complete it, however their data is not able to be used in a filtered demographic search. Therefore we recommend that you build the process of uploading this CSV into your administration systems and processes to ensure all new learners are captured and they are able to have their surveys included into filtering of demographics.

This also applies to new staff to your school, they will need to be assigned to a class in order to use sliders effectively.

For more information on this process refer to the Sliders Admin Training Module.

Transform teaching with

Engagement Sliders